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home2home_LOGO 2019-03

5 Top Myths about Strata Managers

It is confusing for most people to understand strata. In fact, it is challenging to get the right information. That is why there are myths about strata managers. It is...
real estate agent with couple clients

What Is Strata Management In Real Estate?

As the real estate sector evolves, many people are investing in common properties, where several amenities are shared. This is because the properties are more affordable and are often found...
property owner signing the strata management documents

Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Professional Strata Management Company

A strata management company manages jointly owned properties, including residential establishments and commercial buildings. However, a lot of investors have never thought of hiring a strata management company. Hiring a...
Real estate agent handing over the key

When Is the Right Time to Buy a Property

Buying a property is one of the most important life decisions. It takes time to find a good property. However, it is not a good idea to attempt to time...
Dream home from real estate agent

Why Should You Buy Your Dream Home Through a Real Estate Agent

It is not a good idea to buy a house without a real estate agent. Why? You cannot match the expertise of a real estate agent. You will have less...
couples discussing about selling property

When is the Best Time to Sell a Property?

Selling a home or any other property is a decision that has to be backed by good planning. One important aspect of planning as a property owner in West Australia...
Safe Active Street Project Melville

City of Melville Begins Construction of Safe Active Street

Melville City Mayor, the Hon. George Gear JP, says Safe Active Street construction will begin this August. The first of its kind, the new street project is considered an innovative...
booragoon building

Booragoon Real Estate Statistics

Booragoon is a suburb in the commercial areas located at the centre of the City of Melville. Listed as the 10th best suburb in Greater Perth, it is characterised by...
real estate terms and lingo

Understanding Real Estate Lingo

Written by Gary Antulov  I am frequently asked to explain the meaning of some real estate terms, so I thought it may be beneficial to document them online. We see...
brentwood real estate property

Brentwood Property Information

Overview of Brentwood Only 10 kilometres from the city of Perth, Brentwood is a small, peaceful suburban community that is home to parks, lakes, and reserves with room to explore...
How to Find Great Tenants Quickly

How to Find Great Tenants Quickly

As a landlord, one of the most important tasks you have is finding the right tenants to rent your property. Quality tenants that pay their rent on time and look...

How to Prepare your Home for Sale

While preparing your home for sale can be intimidating, this can be a creative opportunity to improve your home's resale value. Think like a buyer and meet his needs. Present...

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