6 Things About the Home2Home Difference we are Proud to Share

Mar 13, 2023

Home2Home Blog_6 Things About the Home2Home Difference_property strata manager Perth

Here are 6 key things about the Home2Home difference we are super proud to share. We are not like other Perth based property and strata managers and we are delighted to know exactly how we are different.

1. 80+% of our new business comes from an existing client or a referral from one.

2. Each of our property managers looks after fewer properties than the state average (90 compared to 110-150), which means more time spent on your property or working on your property. And more time to be able to keep you up to date with things in as real time as possible.

3. We have had tenants and property investors still with us since we opened our doors in 2005. Yes, that’s 18 years of loyalty!

4. Our paperless office provides more transparency using technology to innovate and evolve and provide an increasingly efficient experience for all.

5. The Effective Marketing strategies we engage in means better outcomes, higher price, and quicker result for all our landlords and owners.

6. Proactive processes are non-negotiable as we believe prevention is always better than cure and that a proactive approach is preferable to any reactive response!

What qualities, attributes, and skills do you look for in your property or strata manager? This is always a great question to ask and have a clear answer for.

Looking to outsource the management of your property?

Reach out to us via the details here.

Oh and save this blog to come back to, or share with a friend contemplating property management for their property asset. We’d love to help.

Home 2 Home Realty | Rockingham | Mt Pleasant

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